Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Snow days

Good morning!
First, I want to thank all of you who attended the deliberative session Saturday. The turn out was far better than I expected. Don't forget the ballot vote on
March 8th!

Snow seems to be dominating the thought process of many of us! February is not over yet and we have had five snow days to date. If we have no more and the floods avoid us, the last day of school right now is June 22nd. This isn't too bad. BUT, if we get more days and go into the last week of June, it becomes more of an issue.

I'd like to get some feedback on ideas of how to make up days if we do get into the last week. The timing is too close to do anything for February vacation. What are your thoughts about making up a few days during April Vacation? Having school on Saturdays? Other ideas? I am not in favor of extending the school day unless absolutely necessary.

I look forward to hearing from you.

Bill Lander

1 comment:

  1. Hi Mr. Lander,
    Have you heard about some districts in the state using "blizzard packets"? Teachers send home a packet of work to be completed by kids on snow days. An 80% schoolwide return means the snow day doesn't count against the school. I saw this on WMUR a while back, I'm pretty sure the state approved it. I think it might resonate in a good way with parents, also. Their kids would have something to keep them busy when they are snowed in. It may not be something for us this year, but maybe in the future. Just an idea.
    -Martha Abney
